Wholesale - Bulk in South Africa
Tuesday, 20 June 2023 | |||
Nigerian Dwarf Goat
ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf goat with great milking lines available. Down siz
Mpumalanga ›
Saanen/lamancha baby goat/goats
Saanen/lamancha goat, great like a pet or bush eater or she will give milk in the future. Just one…
Mpumalanga ›
Milk/brush goat
She is a dairy mix doe that is currently in milk. She is part Oberhalsi and part alpine goat. Can…
Western Cape ›
Boer goat buck - Chehalis
DOB 2-23-23 Commercial boer goat. Can be registered with the ABGA if desired. Clean herd.
Northern Cape ›
Looking for Goat Buddy
We are in search of a baby/ younger goat buddy for our Nigerian dwarf baby. His friend died about 2…
Northern Cape ›
Pygmy female goat
She is a Nigerian/Pygmy mix. 3 yrs old. Very friendly. Trims my yard very well, produces lots of…
Northern Cape ›
Bottle buckling kid goat
Mama (first freshener) had triplets so this little blue-eyed guy is available as a bottle baby. 3/4…
Mpumalanga ›
goat babies - Eatonville
goat babies, Boer and Boer x Alpine. 8 weeks to 12 weeks old. 1 male, 9 females. 100 male Alpine x…
North West ›
Registered Kinder Goat Buck
1.5 years old very sweet boy. Up to date on vaccines. Tested clear of CAE, CL and Johne's. Text is…
Eastern Cape ›
Registered Kinder Goat Doe
2 year old doe available. She's up to date on vaccines and tested clear of CAE, CL, and Johne's…
North West ›
ADGA doeling Nigerian dwarf goat
Rayna' is a shy blue eyed beauty, who is slowly coming out of her shell. Sweet, gentle little girl…
Eastern Cape ›
Nigerian dwarf goat doeling
Registered Nigerian dwarf doeling Birthday 04/16/23 Dehorned/ treated for coccidia 05/25/23/ will…
Limpopo ›
Boer goat doe - Eatonville
Selling nice brown and white spotted doe, no fault of her own. I am keeping her black and white…
North West ›
Purebred Nigerian dwarf goat buck
Pure bred Nigerian dwarf goat proven buck Has had 2 kids from 2 different mothers Name is Billy
North West ›
ADGA Nigerian Dwarf Goat Kids: Does, Bucks, Wethers
ADGA registrable Nigerian Dwarf Goat kids. Ready to go to new homes: 1 chocolate wether $150 and 1…
Limpopo ›
Goat for sale mama and kid PAIR
We have a mom La Mancha goat and her doe kid. Asking $300 for the pair. Mom is pregnant
Limpopo ›
Mini Lamancha goat- Doeling
Beautiful mini LaMancha doeling. She is disbudded and vaccinated. She is 1 year old (born on May…
Eastern Cape ›
La Mancha buckling Goat
La Mancha buckling DOB 3/24 for sale. Available with or without registration. Mother is milking 1…
Limpopo ›
Sunday, 18 June 2023 | |||
Fainting Goat doelings
Chocolate & White silky doeling with blue eyes, $375. Strong fainter. Registerable with MSFGA and…
Mpumalanga ›
Milking Goat Does
They currently have 2 kids each and the kids will be ready to wean by the end of May. At that point…
Limpopo ›
Tennessee fainting meat goat buck
Gus is a 5 yr old very prolific, easy keeper, easy with the does, throws fantastic color, minimally…
Limpopo ›
Yearling bucks and 1 wether goat
We have 2 yearling bucks from great milk lines. Moms milked close to a gallon once a day from…
KwaZulu-Natal ›
Great Purebred Nigerian Dwarf Goat babies / kids
We have 2 adorable goat kids / babies for sale. They are 8 weeks old and growing so well. They are…
Mpumalanga ›
Nigerian Dwarf Goat Kids ADGA registrable doe/wethers
I have 3 Nigerian Dwarf kids for sale. 1 doe, $350, and a wether pair for $100. Dam and sire lines…
Limpopo ›
Goat Herd -Spokane
Looking to rehome herd of goats. We have 2 registered angora does, 1 reg angora buck, 1/2 Pygora &…
Mpumalanga ›
Goat in milk -Spokane
Gorgeous 3 yer old 50% Nubian 50% Toggenburg doe in milk, makes over a gallon of delicious sweet…
Limpopo ›
Louis Trichardt
Nigerian goat herd for sale
Nigerian goat herd looking for new home/s. CD&T vaccinated yearly, closed herd. Would love for them…
Limpopo ›
Mini nubian doe goat
She was born last year in March from a Nubian buck and a Nubian Nigerian cross doe. She has always…
Northern Cape ›
Nubian Goat Bucklings
I have two nubian bucklings for sale. They are three months old and friendly. One is brown and the…
Western Cape ›
Fainting Goat Kids 6 Does 3 Billys
I have 3 billys that need a herd of their own. I also have 6 does that need new homes. Some of the…
Mpumalanga ›